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Faculty of Education

B.A (Ed) Primary Education

B.A (Ed) Primary Education

The philosophy of the programme is consistent with the Nigerian Philosophy of Education which is premised on the development of the individual into a sound and effective citizen for promotion of integrated national development. Open and distance learning is education with a philosophy that focuses on expanding access to learning which aims at removing barriers to education allowing students to study what they want, when they want and where they want. The philosophy for B. A. (Ed) in Primary Education is aimed at producing professional teachers through the distance learning mode competent to teach at the primary school level of our educational system; tailored to enhance development of individuals into a sound and effective citizen and for promotion of integrated national development. The programme is designed using a variety of media to allow diverse groups of people irrespective of age, geographic location, physical disability etc to access learning according to approach that best responds to their peculiar circumstances to ensure equity and equality of opportunities.

Admission Requirements

Entry Level

  1. a) 100 Level Entry Point

For candidates entering at the 100 Level, any one of the following qualifications is admissible for the programme:

  1. School Certificate/GCE with passes at Credit Level or above in five subjects including English Language and Mathematics obtained in not more than two (2) sittings;
  2. Teachers’ Grade II Certificate with passes at Credit or Merit Level in five subjects, including English Language and Mathematics. Since this is a professional programme at the elementary school level, students will have major or minor teaching subjects.
  3. b) Direct Entry:

Applicants entering at the 200 Level must possess any of the following:

  1. NCE or equivalent in two relevant subjects at Credit or Merit level in addition to either:
  • School Certificate/GCE, O’Level passes in at least five other subjects at credit level including English Language at not more than two sittings.
  • Teachers’ Grade II with Credit or Merit in five relevant subjects including English Language and Mathematics.
  1. A pass at merit level in a relevant Diploma Programme ND (provided the O/L requirements are satisfied). ND holders may be considered for admission at 200 level in special areas with a provision that they will take some 100 Level courses.

         English Language and Mathematics Requirements:

In all cases, whether by Direct Entry or entry at 100 level, a credit in Mathematics and English Language at the Senior School Certificate/or its equivalent are required.

 Expected Duration of the Course

The B A. Ed. Primary Education is structured to run for a minimum of four years and maximum of eight years for students starting at 100 level or minimum of three years and maximum of six years for students starting at 200 levels. Students will undergo a six week (6) practical teaching period at 300 and 400 levels.

Graduation Reguirements

To be eligible for the award of the B.A. Ed. Hons. in Primary Education, a student must have passed a minimum of 120 and 90 credit units for the 4- year and 3-year degree programmes respectively. That is:

  • For a four year degree course, a minimum of 120 units should be required for graduation,
  • For a direct three year course, a minimum of 90 units should be required for graduation;
  • At the commencement of the programme, each student are furnished with the information specifying the requirements for the award of the degree;
  • Students must pass all core and GST courses;

   Staff/Student Workload

(i)  Students undertaking this programme are required to register for a minimum of 15 credit units per semester and a maximum of 24 credit units.

(ii)     A full-time Lecturer, on the other hand, has a minimum of online facilitation/teaching load of 8 credit units per semester.

Scoring and Grading System

A student who scores below 40 in any given course is deemed to have failed the course. 

         Grading System




60 – 69


50 – 59



45 – 49

40 — 44


Below 40


Prospective and Returning Students