Message from the HOD
Dear student, you are welcome to the Department of Arts and Social Sciences Education, Faculty of Education, National Open University of Nigeria. The Department aims to produce professional teachers through provision of lifelong learning and to ensure that training of teachers who are nation builders is solidly built to help you to overcome challenges of teaching in the 21st century as well as exposing you to best global practices in the teaching profession. The Department is run in line with the University policy through online courses aimed to prepare you for the teaching profession. The Department is willing and ready to support you in your academic activities. Our aim is to train, retrain and produce quality and highly skilled teachers with broad professional knowledge.
Dr. Hakeem Olaniyi Liadi
About the Department
Following the desire of the Federal Government of Nigeria in 2002 to establish an Open University in the country, a National Open and Distance Learning Steering Committee was set up in the Federal Ministry of Education which produced a Blue Print and Implementation Plan for the National Open and Distance Learning Programmes in the country. Upon approval of the Blue Print document by National University Commission, a national workshop to determine academic programmes to be offered was held. The workshop identified specific programmes based on national need and prescribed their contents. The programme, B.A (Ed) English and B.A. (Ed) French began in the 2003/2004 academic session. The B.Sc. (Ed). Business Education programme took off in 2005/2006 academic session as a result of the need assessment embarked upon by the university.
To provide highly accessible and enhanced quality education leading to the award of a bachelor’s degree (in Social Science and Arts related programmes) anchored by social justice, equity, equality and national cohesion through a comprehensive reach (ODL) that transcends all barriers
To provide opportunities for the development of language competences, analytical, and creative minds from humanistic and also develop skills acquisition cum business orientation with perspective that would equip learners with lifelong values in a rapid globalising world and also produce professional teachers and leaders through open and distance learning.
The philosophy of the department is aimed at producing professional teachers through open distance learning mode, who would be competent to teach both oral and written aspects of English language and French language tailored to development individuals to become sound, effective citizens who would enhance the promotion of integrated national development and promote greater understanding and cooperation of Nigeria with her Francophone neighbours. It also aims at a complete development of the individual student teacher irrespective of time and physical distance (space) to make them effective business teachers, and high calibre professionals in business establishments. The students shall be provided with functional, flexible and cost-effective learning which will make the students to have quality and life-long knowledge in all area of study.
B.A. (Ed) English
B.A.(ED) French
B. Sc. (Ed) Business Education
Staff Profile
Department Email
Department Telephone Number
WhatsApp: +234 08053114873