Career Profile
Dorothy Ofoha is a Professor of Educational Psychology at the Faculty of Education, National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN). She holds a PhD in Educational Psychology from the University of Lagos, Nigeria. She started her academic career at NOUN in 2009, where she has made significant contributions to the institution’s growth and development, rising through the ranks to attain the position of full Professor. She is an accomplished educator and currently the Director of the African Council for Distance Education Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency (ACDE-QAAA) hosted at NOUN. She has worked on several research areas in education, psychology, and human learning, as well as in distance education and programme development, presenting her works in different national and international conferences, with a number of scholarly publications to her credit. A recipient of several awards, including the 2019 Editors’ Choice Award for the best paper published in the British Educational Research Association’s journal, Review of Education 7(3), 455-492, for her paper titled ‘‘Child discipline and violence in Nigeria: A community‐based intervention program to reduce violent discipline and other forms of negative parenting practices. Her current research focuses on the impact of distance learning on students and the risk factors that may increase their vulnerability to mental health conditions. She belongs to many professional associations. Dorothy is self-driven, result-oriented, highly methodical with keen attention to details, and works with a passion for excellence.
Dorothy Ofoha
Educational Foundations/RETRIDOL/ACDE-QAAA
Director, ACDE Quality Assurance and Acreditation Angency
NCE (Eng/French), B.Ed English, M.Ed Educational Psychology, PhD Educational Psychology
Online facilitation,
Academic advising
Instructional design and course material writing,
Service to the university and community,
Programme director
1. Ilogu, G.C., & Ofoha, D. (2006). Parental and peer factors influencing the effect of
modification of adolescents’ attitude towards premarital sexual permissiveness. The Social
Educator, 2 (2), 190 –198. A Journal publication of the Department of Social Studies
Education, University of Education, Winneba, Ghana.
2. Ilogu, G.C. & Ofoha, D. (2007). Impact of strict parental control and discipline in relation to
children’s behaviour problems. International Journal of Educational Studies, 3 (1), 74-86. A
journal publication of the University of Education, Winneba, Ghana.
3. Ilogu, G.C., & Ofoha, D. (2007). Effects of aversive conditioning and counter-attitudinal
advocacy on adolescents’ attitude towards premarital sexual permissiveness. African Journal
of Educational Studies, 5 (1), 173-187. A Journal publication of the Faculty of Education,
University of Botswana.
4. Romiszowski A., Abiola. B., Abisoye. O., Iwuchukwu. O., Ofoha. D., Odeyemi. J., &
Olakulehin, F. K., (2010). “Course team approaches to ODL materials development in a
distributed but ICT-challenged environment”, Proceedings of the International Symposium on
Open and Distance Learning and International Council for Educational Media (IODL AND
ICEM) conference, Eskisehir, Turkey; 791-807pp
5. Ofoha, D., & Awe, B. (2011). Perception of academics on quality assurance of academic
programmes at the National Open University of Nigeria. Journal of Continuing Open and
Distance Education (JCODE), 1(2), 51-70. A Journal publication of School of Continuing
and Distance Education, University of Nairobi, Kenya
6. Ofoha, D. (2011). Parenting practices and conscience development in children: Towards a
better Nigerian society. In K. Adeyemi and B. Awe (Eds.) Re-branding Nigerian Educational
System, Lagos: Faculty of Education, National Open University of Nigeria 324-
7. Ofoha, D. (2011). Assessment of the implementation of the secondary school skill-based
curriculum to youth empowerment in Nigeria. Edo Journal of Counselling, 4 (1&2), 75-91. A
journal publication of Edo State Chapter of the Counselling Association of Nigeria
(CASSON), University of Benin, Nigeria.
8. Ofoha, D. (2012). Contribution of ODL programme to human capacity development: The
case of the Primary Education Programme of the National Open University of Nigeria.
Makerere Journal of Higher Education (MAJOHE), 3 (2), 123-139. A journal publication of
the East African School of Higher Education, Makerere University College of Education,
9. Ogidan, R., & Ofoha, D. (2012). Psychosocial correlates of academic success among distance
learners in National Open University of Nigeria: Some implications. West African Journal of
Open and Flexible Learning (WAJOFEL), 2 (1), 9-32. A Journal publication of the Regional
Training & Research Institute for Open & Distance Learning (RETRIDAL).
10. Ofoha, D. (2012). “Positive discipline as an alternative to physical punishment in Nigerian
schools: Towards a sustainable learner-friendly result-oriented classroom”, in Maphila, M. L.,
Brijraj, R., Wokocha, A. M., & Nwokeocha, S. (Eds.), Teaching and Learning in Africa:
Proceedings of the 1 st Africa Forum on Teaching Regulatory Authorities (AFTRA)
Conference, Cotonou, Benin Republic; pp237-245
11. Ofoha, D. (2012). Assuring quality evaluation practices in open and distance learning system:
The case of the National Open University of Nigeria. Africa Education Review, 9 (2), 230-
248. A journal publication of the University of South Africa.
12. Ofoha, D. (2012). Open and distance learning provision for inmates of remand homes in
Nigeria: Unexplored possibilities. A Journal of the Nigerian Academy of Education
(JONAED), 8 (1), 95-111. A journal publication of the Nigerian Academy of Education.
13. Ofoha, D. (2012). Influence of some school variables on school-based curriculum
implementation in Nigerian secondary schools. A Journal of the Nigerian Academy of
Education (JONAED), 8 (2), 29-42. A journal publication of the Nigerian Academy of
Education) .
14. Ofoha, D. (2012) Bridging the development gap in Nigeria: Reaching the unreached through
open and distance learning. HURIA Journal of the Open University of Tanzania, 13, 422-445.
15. Ofoha, D. (2013) Impact of intervention programme on parental attitudes toward physical
punishment of children. Journal of Educational Studies and Management, 1 (1), 84-197. A
journal publication of the Department of Educational Studies and Management, University of
Benin (Nig.)
16. Iwuchukwu, F. O & Ofoha, D. (2013) Assessment of practical skill learning activities in
study materials developed by the National Open University of Nigeria. West African Journal
of Open and Flexible Learning (WAJOFEL), 2 (2), 175-192. A Journal publication of the
Regional Training & Research Institute for Open & Distance Learning (RETRIDAL).
17. Ofoha, D. (2013) Assessing students’ competency and practical learning ability in a distance
learning environment, Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 16 (2), 1-11. A
journal publication of the University of West Georgia, USA.
18. Ofoha, D. (2013) Analysis of the instructional effectiveness and quality of self-study
materials used by students of the National Open University of Nigeria. Progressio: South
African Journal for Open and Distance Learning Practice, 35 (1), 119-135. A journal
publication of the Directorate for Curriculum and Learning Development, University of South
19. Ofoha, D. (2013). Open and distance learning as a transformative strategy in equalizing educational
opportunity in Nigeria. In I. O. Salawy., A. I. Ikeotuonye., and J. O. Inegbedion (Eds.), Perspectives
on Nigerian Education. Lagos: Faculty of Education, National Open University of Nigeria 222-
239pp. ISBN 978-239-111-0.
20. Ofoha, D., & Iwuchukwu, F. O. (2013) Study of relationship between learner characteristics
and learning of psychomotor skills among distance students. In V. O. Adedipe and O. D. Ojo
(Eds.), Pedagogical Psychology of Teaching and learning. Lagos: Learner Support Services
Directorate, National Open University of Nigeria 11-24pp. ISBN 978-933-452-0
21. Ofoha, D. & Saidu Rosemary (2014). Evaluating an educational program for parents: A
Nigerian pilot study. International Journal of School and Educational Psychology, 2 (2), 137-
147. A journal publication of the International School Psychology Association, Netherlands.
22. Ofoha, D. (2014). Assessment of the contribution of open and distance learning to human
capacity development: NOUN products as case example. International Open and Distance
Learning Journal, 4 th ACDE Special Edition, 54-68. Journal publication of the Zimbabwe
Open University.
23. Ofoha, D. (2014). The role of rewards and punishment in motivating school learning: A
review and synthesis of the literature. NOUN Journal of Education: A journal publication of
the Faculty of Education, National Open University of Nigeria, 1 (1), 111-118.
24. Ofoha, D. (2014). An investigation of factors influencing learning of psychomotor skills in
distance courses. Indian Journal of Open Learning (IJOL), 23, 1 & 2, 17-34. A Journal
publication of the Indira Gandhi National Open University-India.
25. Ofoha, D. (2015). Relation between parental disciplinary practices and youth violent
behaviour: Implications for parenting education. Nigerian Psychological Research, 3, 294-
306. A Journal publication of the Nigerian Psychological Association.
26. Ofoha, D. (2015). Gender stereotypes and their impacts on the girl-child’s self-image and
attitude towards education in three selected states in Nigeria. Journal of Research and
Educational Development (JORED), 6 (1&2), 3-14. A Journal publication of the Nigerian
Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC)
27. Ofoha, D., & Okoza, J. (2016). Metacognitive awareness and self-regulation strategies among
undergraduate students in self-directed learning situations. Journal of Issues and Practice in
Education, 8(2), 259-281. A Journal publication of the Faculty of Education, the Open
University of Tanzania.
28. Ofoha, D. (2016). Examining students’ needs through Maslow’s hierarchy of needs model: A
psychological framework for increasing retention and satisfaction in distance learning. NOUN
Journal of Education, 3, 1-6. Journal publication of the Faculty of Education, National Open
University of Nigeria.
29. Tenebe, A. V., Ojo, O., Ogunlela, Y., Yakubu, B. A., & Ofoha, D. (2016). Minority students
in graduate studies: An exploration into women’s accessibility to higher education through
the open and distance learning mode in Nigeria. West African Journal of Open and Flexible
Learning, 5(1), 1-23. A Journal publication of the Regional Training & Research Institute for
Open & Distance Learning (RETRIDAL).
30. Ofoha, D. (2017). Use of teacher praise as a classroom behavioural intervention for children
with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The Nigerian Educational Psychologist,
15(2), 199-207. A Journal publication of the Nigerian Society of Educational Psychologists.
31. Ofoha, D. (2017). Teachers’ method of discipline and perceptions of disciplinary practices
among teachers in Lagos metropolis: Barriers and facilitators. Journal of Educational
Foundations, 7(1), 3-14. A Journal publication of the Department of Educational
Foundations, University of Jos(Nigeria)
32. Ofoha, D. (2017). Analysis of teacher reinforcement practices and reprimands system at the
basic education classrooms: An observation study. Journal for Studies in Humanities &
Social Sciences, 6(2), 218-232. A Journal publication of the Faculty of Humanities and Social
sciences, University of Namibia.
33. Ofoha, D. (2017). Rewards and punishment in Nigerian classroom: An exploration of factors
that influence Nigerian teachers’ choice of discipline methods. Niger Delta Journal of
Education, 9(1&2), 231-243. A Journal publication of Faculty of Education, Niger Delta
34. Ofoha, D. (2017). Africa and the global knowledge economy: Meeting the challenge through
innovative approach to teaching, learning and research in higher education in Africa. In M.
Omolewa, B. O. Lawal, F. G. Paulley and M. Abdulrahman-Yusuf (Eds.), Theory and
practice of education in Nigeria (Vol.1). Port Harcourt: University of Port Harcourt Press Ltd
301-312pp. ISBN 978-52931-1-1
35. Ofoha, D., & Ogidan, R (2017). Parenting intervention to reduce child negative discipline in
Nigeria: A PEP evaluation study. Nigerian Psychological Research, 5, 715-733. A Journal
publication of the Nigerian Psychological Association.
36. Ofoha, D., & Iwuchukwu, O. (2018). Employers’ perception and expectations of professional
competency of distance learning graduates: A tracer study of nursing graduates of the
National Open University of Nigeria. Open Praxis, 10(3), 265-278. A Journal publication of
the International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE), Norway.
37. Ofoha, D. (2018). School corporal punishment as a risk factor of child psychological
adjustment problems: A case study of out-of-school adolescents in Lagos metropolis. The
Nigerian Educational Psychologists, 16, 9-18. A Journal publication of the Nigerian Society
of Educational Psychologists.
38. *Ofoha, D., Ogidan, R. & Saidu, R. (2019). Child discipline and violence in Nigeria: A
community-based intervention programme to reduce violent discipline and other forms of
negative parenting practices. Review of Education: An International Journal of Major Studies
in Education, 7(3), 455-492. A Journal publication of the British Educational Research
Association (BERA).
*BERA Best paper award winner of the Review of Education Editors’ Choice Award for the
best paper published in 2019. Available on
39. Ogidan, R., & Ofoha, D. (2019). Assessing the effects of a parenting education programme
on parental ability to use positive behaviour control strategies. South African Journal of
Psychology, 49(2), 270-281. A Journal publication of the Psychological Society of South
40. Ofoha, D., & Ogidan, R. (2020). Punitive violence against children: A psychoeducational
parenting program to reduce harsh disciplining practices and child beating in the home.
International Journal of Psychological Research, 13(2), 89-98. A journal publication of the
Faculty of Psychology, University of San Bueventura, Colombia.
41. Ofoha, D., & Saidu, R. (2021). Using parents as peer educators: Insights from a community-
based programme for corporal punishment prevention. KIU Journal of Humanities, 6(2), 135-
142. A journal publication of Kampala International University, Uganda.
42. Adewale. A., Ofoha, D, Peters, O. A., & Butswat, I. S. (2024). Student engagement and
feedback on online learning and facilitation: A case study of the National Open University of
Nigeria. West African Journal of Open and Flexible Learning (WAJOFEL) Special Edition,
12 (2).
Human learning,
Behaviour modification,
Classroom management,
Child discipline and behavioural interventions to reduce violence against children,
Distance education
Google Scholar
ORCID Record
Completed Research Grants
1. Ofoha, D., Uchegbu, N.C., Anyikwa, B., & Nkemdirim, M. (2009). “A critical appraisal of the mode of implementation of Nigerian secondary school curriculum: Towards socio-economic empowerment of youth”. A research grant awarded by the Educational Research Network for West and Central Africa (ERNWACA), N700,000.
2. Iwuchukwu, O., & Ofoha, D. (2012). “An assessment of the competency-based learning elements in study materials developed by National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN)”. A research grant awarded by the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) through the Regional Training and Research Institute for Open & Distance Learning (RETRIDAL), N525,000.
3. Ofoha, D., & Iwuchukwu, O. (2013). “Employer perception and expectations of professional competency of distance learning graduates: A tracer study of NOUN graduates”. A research grant awarded by the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) through RETRIDAL, N507,000.
4. Ofoha, D. & Okoza, J. (2014). “Metacognitive awareness and self-regulated learning strategies among students in self-directed learning situations: An exploratory study”. A research grant awarded by the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) through RETRIDAL, N545,000.
5. Ofoha, D., Ogidan, R., & Saidu, R. (2016/17). “Child discipline and violence in Nigeria: A community-based intervention programme to reduce violent discipline and other forms of negative parenting practices”. A research grant awarded by TETFund Research Fund, N2,000,000.